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IMPORTANT NOTICE - Shipment Delay 01/12/2017

Dear valued customer,

Thank you, everyone, for your love and support on 11.11 a success to strive! It pains us to know that we may have disappointed or frustrated as a customer. Due to overwhelming orders on 11/11, even with all our extra manpower, there are 15 times more orders received compare to last year. We are immensely grateful for this support shown. 

Unfortunately, there has been a delay in our repacking and shipping services. While we are aware that many are anxious to receive their parcel, please be assured that we are doing our best to ensure the quality of our services is maintained while making sure that orders are sent to you as soon as possible. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience that we may have caused you because of the delay. 

I know that you are anxious to receive your order, and we assure you that we are doing our very best to deliver it as soon as possible and to provide you with up to date delivery information along the way. We honestly treasure every comment and feedback from all our customers and we are always trying out best to improve our services. 

Once again, we would like to thank you for your support in SGshop and we hope to seek your kind understanding and patience with regards to this issue. 

Yours sincerely,
SGshop Team